Pocket size massage tool

Improve muscle performance, reduce pain and enhance blood circulation using this portable dedicated massage tool. Order your own Mutjutin massage too and start learn more about inspirational ways to treat yourself. Made in Finland.

Mutjutin massage tool comes in a wide range of colours and it is made of plastic or smooth rock. It is the perfect size and fits in your pocket, handbag … Mutjutin comes with the user manual.

Get your own Mutjutin now by fast delivery directly to your mailbox.


Mutjutin™ improve muscle performance, reduce pain and enhance blood circulation

How it

Mutjutin™ is a wellness tool designed for myofascial release. Make muscle recovery more efficiently, reduce pain and improve blood circulation using Mutjutin™.

When massaging with this tool, you can positively affect the muscle membranes by creayting pressure under your skin. When using Mutjutin™, place it on your skin at the point where pain or ache is felt and then use this beneficial massage tool with back and forth movements. This action is carried out for 10 to 30 seconds. Then you move to another parts of your muscle and treat it thoroughly. This way you can have a more holistic effect on the body part where the tension or the pain is.

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You can use Mutjutin™ for many things

Improve muscle performance, reduce pain and enhance blood circulation using this portable dedicated massage tool.


Top of the hand and forearm



Knee, shins and quadriceps

Sole of foot

Mutjutin massage tool comes in a wide range of colours and it is made of plastic or smooth rock. It is the perfect size and fits in your pocket, handbag … Mutjutin comes with the user manual.

You can use Mutjutin to care for almost every muscle you have. With Mutjutin™ you get a a helpful user guide.
The shapes of Mutjutin™ are designed for different muscles, so you get optimal care for every muscle.