Become a reseller

Here starts your journey to a Mutjutin reseller. started back in 2017. We got alot of positive feedback from our customers in Finland. In late 2020 we h’d over 100 resellers around the Finland and more resellers joined weekly. From small independent massage therapists to the big stores, Mutjutin was around the Finland.

  • Get more sales with your other services.
  • Part of your beauty / workout etc ecommerce site
  • Earn money for the class trip or other activity

Because we launched our website to Sweden (, that means we are accepting resellers from Sweden too. If you want to be part of your reseller network, please fill the form below. This will make it faster for us to contact you and make becoming a resellers as easy as possible for you.

As a reseller you get:

  • Digital marketing material that you can use to make more sales or print them for everyone to see
  • Help for your questions about Mutjutin or sales.
  • Place from our reseller page where our customers can see you. Many customers want to buy their product directly from retailer.
  • Fast delivery directly to your company. You don’t need to invest heavily to inventory at start.

You can also contact us directly with email at jesse (@)